Advisory Committees
Purpose of Advisory Committees
One of the most common characteristics associated with quality programs in career and technical education is their link with the business community. Local advisory committees are, in many cases, the most effective way to develop and strengthen such partnerships.
Local advisory committees are designed to increase the participation of the public in local career and technical education programs and to provide greater cooperation between career and technical education and the private sector in:
Preparing individuals for employment and entrepreneurship
Promoting quality career and technical education
Making career and technical education more responsive to, and reflective of, both the labor market and business/industry
The primary purpose of each advisory committee is to help schools and institutions improve the quality of instruction in career and technical education programs. These individual committees are selected by local schools and are drawn primarily from the private sector with appropriate public sector representation. Members are volunteers who share expert knowledge of the job tasks and competency requirements for specific occupations.
More information about Career and Technical Education can be found at: