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Frequently Asked Questions

What is STEDY?

STEDY (Southwest Technical Education District of Yuma) is an independent school district, across 5.519 square miles, specifically established to provide career and technical education (CTE) or "vocational" programs to high school students. STEDY is here to enhance and support CTE programs.

How is STEDY Funded?

STEDY operates under the same laws and regulations as all public school districts in Arizona. Governed by a five-member board, we are funded by taxes and "state aid", based on student enrollment. Approximately 70 percent comes from student enrollment, via the Arizona Department of Education as "state aid." 30 percent comes from property taxes (0.5 cents per $100 assessed home value). Taxes are capped and cannot be raised.

Who can attend STEDY?

High School Sophomore, Junior, and Senior students in Yuma County under the age of 22, who have not graduated from High School or received their GED.

What is career and technical education (CTE)?

Career and technical education is real-world job training and leadership development. CTE is a premier education model, incorporating academic and technical skills, as well as critical workplace skills such as communication, teamwork and problem solving. Students engage in interactive career preparation lessons and leadership associations called Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs). CTSOs help students make a personal connection to, and see the relevance of their CTE program.

What are the benefits of STEDY CTE programs?

CTE classes help you connect what you're learning to the real world. It can help you gain key skills to help you get a job after you graduate. It's also a great way to explore career options and meet the people who work in them. You might be able to earn college credit in high school. That can save you time and money later on. Research also shows that students in career and technical education programs are more likely to graduate from high school than those who don't.

How do I take STEDY CTE classes?

Talk with your high school counselor to learn about your options. Click here to begin the Enrollment process.

What are STEDY Satellite Programs?

Satellite Programs are enhanced CTE elective courses offered to students at their designated high school campuses. STEDY provides financial support to our member districts to ensure high-quality, dynamic programs that meet employer demands and industry standards.

Our Satellite Programs Include but are not Limited to:

  • Agriculture
  • Automotive Technologies
  • Business Operation Support
  • Communication Media
  • Construction Technologies
  • Culinary Arts - Hospitality
  • Digital Photography
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Education Professions
  • Engineering Science
  • Fire Science
  • Law, Public Safety, and Security
  • Nursing Services
  • Sports Medicine
  • Welding Technologies


What are STEDY Central Programs?

Central Programs are offered at educational facilities operated by STEDY and our community college and business partners.

How much does it cost?

Tuition and books are paid for by STEDY. Each program has a $25.00 enrollment fee. Some restrictions may apply.

If I have additional questions about CTE Programs offered who should I contact?

Contact the STEDY office at (928) 366-5884 for more information or your school counselor.